Friday, October 7, 2011

La Dama Juana

Today, I headed to school early in order to re-check out my book for Ethnography.  I'm still enjoying reading it which is good.  I probably should focus on finishing this one VERY soon, so that I can start on the one that is in Spanish.  I only have a couple weeks left to finish them, which seems like a lot, but for me it's not, especially for the book that is in Spanish.  Anyway, I had ballet today, too.  All is still going well with that.  I talked to Lucia again today and she can't do lunch tomorrow now because she forgot she has something at 2 p.m., but luckily we're going to go out at 6 p.m. :)  Also, we're going to San Antonio, a restaurant in Miraflores that I have already been to three times, so it's perfect.  I'm excited for it.
After ballet, I headed to Deporte y Vida.  We have two taxi drivers that take us to Deporte y Vida, one is Santiago and the other is Daniel.  Well, Santiago is very quiet, but Daniel talks the whole time there and back (2 hours).  Today, we had Daniel!  Sometimes I am tired and I only want to sleep in the taxi, but Daniel definitely keeps things exciting and honestly, as much as I may want to sleep sometimes, it's such good practice for my Spanish.  Sometimes he is hard to understand and I don't always catch everything he is saying, but I can usually figure out the point he is trying to make.  Also, it's great for my speaking skills, too, because I can't just sit there and listen, I have to say stuff to contribute to the conversation, so it's perfect!
Anyway, at Deporte y Vida today, I did a little bit of addition and subtraction, color by numbers, learned about the difference between physical characteristics and personality traits, and I did some algebra (which I haven't done in who knows how long).  I felt useless to the girl I was helping.  The problem was (4a + 3)^3!!  I don't think I've done that stuff since High school, so I was lost.  Luckily, I had examples to go off of in order to remember the formula that is used, but it was difficult, even with the formula. :)  Anyway, I was called Andreita again today,too, which I just love hearing. :)  It makes me smile everytime.
Okay, now on to tonight.  We had a CIEE cultural activity today, which involved going to La Dama Juana.  La Dama Juana is a dinner/show restaurant at Larcomar in Miraflores (literally two blocks from my house).  The buffet was great and so was the show.  I obviously got seconds on the lomo saltado.  But, putting the food aside for a second, the show was awesome, too.  We got to see some Peruvian dances (some of which were ones that we actually learned during our Taller de Danza).  So here are three videos of Peruvian dances we saw.
This first one is of the Alcatraz (the one with the fire :P).  I'm really sorry, but the video is sideways and I can't figure out how to flip it.  I'm actually kind of mad at myself that I accidentally taped it like this.  I'm sorry you have to put up with it, too, but I hope you still enjoy it.  I'll explain the concept of the dance again.  Here's the jist...if the partner isn't moving their hips enough, they get set on fire. :)  This video is from the end of the dance and the girl was doing a great job, so the guy cheated a little.  You'll see what I mean. :)
Okay, these next two videos are of the same dance. But first, a little detour... Remember when you were little and your parents told you to never run with scissors.  Well, this dance completely goes against and beyond that rule and it's awesome!  It's called the Scissor dance.  See for yourself!
Okay, well that was what my day consisted of.  I hope that todo está bien contigo (all is well with you).  I will blog you mañana.  Hasta luego y buenas noches!

1 comment:

  1. oh i forgot to tell you, i started my American version of "Deporte y Vida" internship yesterday!

    we don't have a monkey though :-(
