Monday, December 9, 2013

La huelga de Renfe

Man, I am long overdue for a blog. I will try and write about Thursday and today first then I will get to talking about my weekend in Bilbao and San Sebastián eventually. On Thursday, I went to school and the students are still starting to get a head start on Christmas so they are learning a Christmas carol; specifically, Santa Claus is Coming to Town...even more specifically, Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Miley Cyrus. Not a horrible version, but I think the classic is better. So here is the classy version.
In the afternoon, the students got to do more workshops for decorating the school and classroom. It was quite comical at one point because the students (and I) had glue and paper sticking to our hands and it reminded me a lot of the end of this scene...haha.
Anyway, the time of day got a little less comical when I started to make a Christmas card for my parents. Karin and I have talked before about how it seems pretty easy for us to disconnect ourselves from home. And we have decided that it is almost necessary to do so or else it will just be too hard. Well, as it gets closer and closer to Christmas, it is getting harder to not think about home and while making the card for my parents in class, I had a minor breakdown. I realized just how much I will really miss home this Christmas. I will obviously still be having a good time and spreading Christmas cheer, but it just won't be the same. I was fine again after a few minutes, but it still is on my mind a lot, but I am thankful to have a wonderful roommate who is allowing me to spend Christmas with her family. I can't wait to still be in a family atmosphere.

After school, I had my two lessons and I knew I would be in a rush after the lessons because Karin and I were leaving for Bilbao on Thursday night. For those of you wondering: No, I did not skip school on Friday. Friday was Constitution Day, so there was no school. Anyway, I knew I would already be rushed and I knew that the train was having a strike again, so I asked the dad of my last lesson if he could drive me to the station. The strikes haven't been a problem for me yet, but this time they were. Right as we were pulling up, the train was too, but I just couldn't run fast enough to catch it and I had to wait 20 minutes for the next train! Ruh roh. Luckily, I had most of my stuff already packed, but I knew I would be rushed, especially because I still had to wait and take the metro, too. Also, my transportation card decided to stop working, so I just decided to cut in behind somebody twice to make it through the gate. I had no time to fix it at that point. Haha. Once home, I finished packing quickly and Karin made me a sandwich for dinner and then we were off. We weren't too late and we got safely to Bilbao and met Karin's friend, Lenny, who is from Germany and studying in Bilbao right now. :)

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