Tuesday, February 4, 2014


School was pretty good today. In science, the students are working on animal projects in partners. They got to choose an animal, bring in a photo, and now they are writing what they know about it. Is it wild or domestic? Oviparous or viviparous? A carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore? It was a pretty good day in science and most of the students seem to be enjoying the project. As for English, we are still winding down on the family unit in some classes, but the exciting thing is that two of the classes that I have been working in didn't have interactive whiteboards before, but they have them now! They aren't as cool as Promethean boards from what I can tell, but hey, we're moving up in the world and the class today liked having it. Although, in my opinion, it's mounted too high for a bunch of 1st graders. It's funny, those things really are important aspects to think about.

Anyway, in my kindergarten class today, the students had their stations as usual and it was so cute because some of them were working on making adorable flower costumes for Carnival, which is happening at the end of February. I can't wait to see them in their costumes as daisies, violets, dandelions, lilies, etc. It's adorable.

After school is what I really want to talk about. I started the application process for teaching positions last night and oh boy is it a process. There are so many things to do and write and figure out. My poor family and friends have been attacked by me with questions and favors to help in this giant task that sits ahead of me. Today I wrote two responses to questions and a cover letter (my first one ever) and I still have one more question to respond to, plus a lot of proofing. Plus, I have to ponder that one statement that says "Please provide any additional information which will help in determining your professional qualifications for a position." How the heck are you supposed to answer things like that?! I'm not so good at this talking myself up. Plus, I had to do one of those online questionnaires that I think can just make you or break you before you even get the chance. They are nerve-racking. So, that's enough with my rant about applications, but that won't be the last, because I know once my applications are submitted, I need to start pondering the interview (if I get one), which will be interesting and also nerve-racking because it will most likely be over Skype. GAH! So, that was my day, I got a TON accomplished, but still have a lot to do in the respects of job applications. Wish me luck.

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