Friday, October 21, 2011


Okay, so yesterday morning (Thursday) I left for school in plenty of time because I had to go to the library to check out my books again.  Well, good thing I left in time because I decided to get off two micros instead of one because they tried making me pay more.  I know it's a little ridiculous, but at the same time, it's really comical for me.  If I would've had to get off of the third one too I would've already made it 50 blocks without paying.  I've decided that with time, it's definitely possible to get all the way to Católica without paying, whether it be from them not accepting my student card or if I get on and then act like I'm on the wrong micro.  It's definitely possible.  When I was sitting on the third micro, I was trying to decide if I would've gotten off of that one too had they charged me more.  I really don't know what I would've done, however, looking back on it, I would say that I would've because the guy I sat next to was a nose picker. :)

Anyway, despite getting off two micros, I still made it to school in time to get my books and go to ballet with extra minutes to spare.  I don't know where everyone was in Ballet yesterday, but there were only five of us in the class, when there's usually 10ish (I don't remember).  But yea, we were missing a lot of people, but it was kind of nice because then the instructor was watching everyone more closely.  There was no interesting music that was blog-worthy though, sorry.  After ballet, I ate lunch and got ready to go to Deporte y Vida.  Deporte y Vida was pretty hectic yesterday, but still good.  We always have those few kids that won't do their homework which can be frustrating at times, but again, that's how kids operate so it's understandable.  Anyway, I had to help a girl with her crossword.  She needed to know a ton of the capitals of Latin American countries, the U.S., and Canada and then she was supposed to search for them in her crossword.  Well, not to brag or anything, but I knew all the Latin American capitals because those have been drilled in my brain since High school, but then I got to Canada and I had no clue what the capital was!!  I felt really dumb.  I mean Canada is right next to the U.S. and I didn't know the capital.  My two guesses were Montreal and Quebec, but I didn't see either of those in the crossword and another girl guessed Toronto and that wasn't there either.  So, I had to look it up.  It's Ottawa, if you were wondering!  I also had to look up the capitals of Surinam and Guyana, but those were understandable, but Canada!

Anyway, once I got back from Deporte y Vida, I pretty much left right away to meet Tonisha and Luis (Indy's friend and now our friend, too) for dinner.  It was really fun and we got a lot of Spanish practice in, which is always a plus.  I told them my micro story and Luis really got a kick out of it.  He agrees that it would be possible to go somewhere on the micro without paying.  Anyway, while we were sitting at dinner, I realized that the Aerosmith concert was this weekend and Tonisha and I (well, mostly me) really wanted to go to it!  So, after dinner, we rushed to the Teleticket in Metro to buy tickets, but all the cheaper ones were sold out and we weren't willing to pay more for them. :(  I really am sad we can't go, I was excited for it, but that's okay.  Anyway, after the Metro trip, we of course had to get ice cream because Tonisha and I (well, mostly me again) are addicts.  We then went to a local bar just to hang out and eat lots of cancha (it's Peru's version of bar peanuts).  One of Luis's friend, Rodrigo, met up with us, too.  Again, it was really fun, both guys are pretty cool, and sooo much Spanish!  They were making both Tonisha and I laugh, too, which is always a good thing.

Anyway, I'd say that's about it for the day.  Today (Friday) is Indy's birthday so she is having a get together at her house tonight, so again, I probably won't write today's blog until tomorrow, but I hope you all have wonderful Fridays and weekends!

1 comment:

  1. You still need to learn all the capitals of African countries..
