Well, I received a message from my beautiful sister and she told me that I should write a blog in Spanish, therefore, I am going to write this blog in Spanish. I hope you enjoy reading this. I want to tell you that I am not fluent in Spanish yet so I'm sorry for the errors that I make in this blog.
Well, last night, like I told you, my friends and I celebrated a girl from my program's (Sheila) birthday. We started the night at the house of a boy from my program. We hung out and ate cookies that Sheila made. I don't know why Sheila made her own birthday cookies, but I am glad that she did because they were delicious. After the cookies, we went to a discoteca called El Sargento Pimienta (Sergeant Peppers) in Barranco. It was more or less fun. I got back to my house very late so that means that I slept in late.
Although, I slept late this morning, I still had a good day. I went to Crepes y Waffles for lunch with my mom. I ate a crepe with spinach and tomato sauce. ¡¡Yay...real food!! Haha, the food from today was marvelous compared to yesterday. ¡More than cookies! After lunch, I walked to Café Z and met with Tonisha, Sarah, and Jacey. We all talked, did our homework, and I had a frozen fresa (Frozen Strawberry) and just so you know a frozen fresa is the best drink in the mundo. :) I can't explain it. Today, also, I read more of my ethnography book. Today, I read about the parents and children in the Amazon. I am very happy that the book is interesting because it makes the reading easier. The information from the book today also was interesting. I learned about many different family practices of the Bajo Urubamba, like the relations between the parents and godparents of like other forms of kinship.
Anyway, actually, I haven't done much today, but it was a good day. I hope that you had a good day, also. Also, I hope that you like this blog despite that it was in Spanish. I am going to translate it tomorrow, but if you can't wait until tomorrow then I suggest that you use Google Translate. :)
¡Good night and sweet dreams!
Now THIS is my kind of language to read! haha :)