Okay, so today I slept in. You would think that sleeping in would mean that I'm missing out on things in Peru and Spanish-speaking time, but today I spoke sooo much Spanish. But, I'll start from the beginning of my day...
Early afternoon, I accompanied Tonisha to La Católica (the university) so that she could re-check out her book. We both still don't understand the system, so we did have to take the trip to Católica and back, which took a little over two hours, but we still had quite the time in those two hours. On the way to Católica, our micro was going soo slow and then at one point the cobrador opened the floor and was digging around in there apparently (I couldn't see, but I'll take Tonisha's word on that). Anyway, clearly our micro wasn't functioning properly because at one point we stopped on the side of the road and the cobrador told everyone to get off. :) There was another micro waiting for us right there, which was good, but it was a funny experience. I don't know about you, but I'm really happy our micro didn't blow up. Anyway, our second micro got us to Católica safely and Tonishita was able to re-check out her book. We also took a trip to the bank on campus so that I could exchange more of my dollars to soles. The exchange rate was terrible compared to the one on the street, but by the time I found that out it was too late. Anyway, we also took two micros home because the first one tried overcharging us, so we got off and got on the next one. Once I got home, I really didn't do much, but then my night was packed full of events and Spanish.
First, I went to dinner with Lucia, the girl from my ballet class. We had a slight misunderstanding for about the first 10 minutes because I was sitting at the door of the restaurant waiting for her and she was sitting at a table. Whoops, I definitely blame myself for that and I felt kind of bad, but she said it was okay. Anyway, the conversation was great and I got a lot of Spanish practice in and I definitely want to hang out with her again. I think the biggest challenge of the "date" was trying to explain what a Liberal Arts college was. I tried really hard at first and then just said "nevermind," but of course she didn't let me give up. She was really curious, which was great because then I was forced to think of a way to say it, and I finally was able to help her understand. It definitely felt like an accomplishment for the day
After San Antonio, I walked to a theatre where Tonisha and I watched a dance/theatre sh.ow that was a part of the Dance school at La Católica. But, before I tell you about this event, I have a little lesson for you about fires, accidents, etc. Never stop in order to see what's going on! :) Okay, maybe not "never," but don't do it often, because this is what happened to me on the way to meet Tonisha... So I'm walking along the street, in kind of a rush to meet Tonisha and I notice all these people are staring at something. I look back and see nothing and continue to walk. Well, then even more people are looking, I can hear sirens, and now I notice a certain smell in the air. I look back again and notice that there is smoke coming from the top of a big, so I stop to watch the action. I still have a few minutes to spare and I'm a fast walker so I'm thinking that I can still make it to the dance on time. Well, then a young man comes up to me and asks if I know what has happened. I say no, but obviously something is going on because that building is smoking. The guy immediately says, "You have an accent from a different country" and I wanted to say "Here's your sign," but I didn't (Click this link for an explanation of "Here's your sign" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Ap6boo5i8&NR=1). Anyway, I explained that I was from the United States and we had a short conversation about the U.S. and English. In my head, I was thinking "This is great, I just came from a dinner speaking all Spanish and now I'm conversing with a random person and we're understanding each other." And then... I said I have to go and gestured in the direction I was heading. Well, then of course he said, "Oh, I'm heading that way, too" and I thought "Of course you are!" He proceeded to walk with me all the way to the theatre and not just to the theatre, but into the theatre. I couldn't believe it and I definitely gave Tonisha a look when I got there. Well, he finally left when he had my phone number and Facebook. Here are the tricks though... Well, my usual "I don't have my phone, I don't know my number" trick didn't work because I had already used my phone to call Tonisha, but I'm not worried about that. But, trick #2 for Facebook, make your handwriting illegible. :) It's the perfect plan! Anyway, lesson learned...don't stop to look at fires, accidents, etc. :)
Okay, on to the dance show. It was definitely modern and strange, but still good. It was titled Bochorno, which can either translate as "extreme heat" or it can also mean "shame or embarassment." It was kind of a depressing piece and dealt with the fact that when you grow old, you will never be able to be young and beautiful again. But, actually Tonisha and I decided that we disagree. We decided that our grandparents and other older people are as young and as beautiful as anyone else!
Anyway, after the show, Tonisha and I of course headed to Café Z and we spent the rest of our night there. Oh, also, the streets were filled with people holler "¡Perú!" because there was a Perú/Paraguay game tonight and Perú won! We actually were supposed to go to the game with our program, but unfortunately, someone died at a game last week so they said we couldn't now. I say that "Safety ruins everything." :) Anyway, someone did die at a game last week. A fight broke out and a guy was thrown out of his suite, which is scary, but I've heard that the big games (like tonight's) are safer, but CIEE still couldn't pay for us to go to a possibly unsafe place. :( But hey, we won, so that's great! I actually told our doorman that "we" won and I made him laugh and I'm pretty sure he was laughing at the fact that I used "we." :) Anyway, at Café Z, Tonishita and I ran into a kid that is in our Ethnography class. We've actually never talked to him, but we all recognized each other and he came up to us and started talking, so that's where the other Spanish conversation comes in. He's actually from France and he tried teaching us a little French, but that was a fail! But yea, in total, I spoke soo much Spanish today and it was great! Also, Tonisha and I made a run to Metro. She was craving hot chocolate and I wanted some pasta! It was a success!
Now, I'm ready for bed and I'm probably going to sleep in again tomorrow. :) I hope you all are sleeping well. Buenas noches!
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