Sunday, March 9th
Yesterday, I went to church in the morning and it was pretty good. Once again, I loved the music! Yesterday was dubbed the Day of the Bible so the offering was going to help a project in Spain that helps pass out Bibles all throughout Spain and the message was on following the Word of God. After the service, I went to the Women's Bible study and went home. On my way home, I had the worst encounter with an elderly man at the bus stop that I would rather not recall because it's one of those moments where it just makes you hate the whole country, even though it's not really Spain's fault and there are people like that in the United States, too, but yea, anyway...
After I got home from church, I made lunch and then relaxed, wrote some blogs, talked to my boyfriend, etc. Then, I joined Stephanie at Madrid Río to sit in the sun and read/study. The sun went behind the buildings pretty quickly once I arrived, but it was still nice being outside. Then, we headed on over to Karin's house to just relax and hang out for awhile. Then, we went our separate ways. I came home and blogged some more, watched the movie Diana, which was pretty good, watched part of The Blindside with Rocío and then we watched part of a segment on the 2004 Madrid train bombings because tomorrow (the 11th) is the 10 year anniversary since then. It was interesting to watch people talking about it. People that were either there or had family members die in the bombing. It was really sad. On a happy note, my Sunday went pretty well and my weekend wasn't over yet. I love having Mondays off.
Monday, March 10th
Today, I didn't set an alarm and I let my body wake up to the sun shining through the window. It was awesome. In the morning, I made an typical eggs and toast breakfast (typical to the U.S.) and blogged a little. I worked on some homework for class, wrote a few cover letters, and then I went to the park for about an hour and a half and just laid in the sun and studied. It was amazing! After the park, I came home for a little bit, but then went to Spanish class with Karin. It was a really good class and packed full of grammar. Then, I came home, ate dinner, and worked on a few more job applications for next year. I submitted one and tried submitting the other one, but the site stopped working, so I'm gonna let that one be for now. Anyway, it's off to bed, gotta get a good night's sleep for the week. Have a good day! :)
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