Today was a great day. I got up, ate my piece of chocolate shaped like a snowman, went to school, helped review vocabulary with the students, and helped them learn about the food pyramid and which foods come from plants and animals. I really can't think of anything exciting that happened at school today. I spent a lot of my lunchtime planning Karin and I's trip to Bilbao this coming weekend. Not really planning, but rather looking things up to do in Bilbao. There is a Guggenheim museum there, so it wouldn't surprise me if that's the number one thing we do. Also, once in Bilbao, we are looking into taking a day trip to San Sebastián. We figured we are already up that way that we might as well hit another pretty popular city, too. But, we will see.
After school on Tuesdays, I usually have the
intercambio (language exchange) with the teacher at my school, but tonight there was a meeting about the new education law that has passed or will pass in Spain. I did not stay for the meeting so I do not know many details about it yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. I will say though that I believe this is the same law that the teachers and students were striking for not to long ago. I will ask my teachers tomorrow how the meeting was and what they said. Since I didn't have the intercambio, I came home after school and relaxed quite a bit. I figured out more about this weekend and did a lot of Spanish activities online to practice. Then, a ring of the doorbell came and it was the mailman. He came bearing gifts! I received my first package from the U.S. I was actually surprised to get one and lucky to be home. I have heard "horror" stories about packages never making it to their destination or about packages being a big hassle to pick up, if you're not at home when they are delivered, but neither of these unfortunate things happened! I was lucky to be home and SO excited to get a package! It ended up being a Christmas/birthday present from my college roommate, Taylor! She packed it with all sorts of goodies and I was pumped to find thing after thing in the box! The package was complete with: a stocking, a Santa pez dispenser, Christmas socks, Christmas ornament making kits!, a headband, classroom supplies, birthday balloons, Smarties, and PlayDoh! It was so great to receive the package and I can't wait to utilize everything! I have already utilized a few things.. *cough* the Smarties.
I can't say thank you enough, Taylor! |
On a random note, Lucia mentioned that her Saint's Day (Santa Lucia) is on the 13th of December and she wants to go ice skating, which would be awesome! But this prompted me to look up when my Saint's Day is and guess what? It was on the 30th of November! I unknowingly just celebrated it with a Thanksgiving dinner, how cool is that? If you're curious to know when your Saint's Day is, click
here and search by name. Anyway, after hanging out for a little bit longer, I talked myself into going to the intercam1bio at the bar that I have skipped the last two weeks. I had no excuse that I was tired or didn't want to leave the house again because I didn't meet with my teacher, so I went. And once again, it was good. There are quite a few things that I don't want to do sometimes, but then once I do them, I think "Oh, that wasn't so bad." Why is that? Anyway, needless to say, I had good conversation and got to practice my Spanish. Once home, I ate dinner and wrote this blog. Now, it is time for bed. Hasta mañana. Happy 3rd!
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