This is probably going to be a short blog because I am tired and not much happened today. But anyway, today was filled with more Miley Cyrus, but also I got to listen to a few other songs, like Jingle Bells, so that was a nice change of pace. Also, the students are learning some Christmas vocabulary for fun so that is always fun to teach them. I think my favorite is that they mistake reindeer for Rudolph and I have to say, "No, Rudolph is a reindeer, but a reindeer is the animal." Whereas they think that Rudolph is the name of the type of animal. So cute. Also, I got to be in one class while they planned their Christmas party for this Friday and that was cool to see them get all excited about choosing food, music, games, and decorations for the party. At the end of the day, I went with three first grade classes to the mailbox. Yep, that's right. We took a field trip to the mailbox. :) This trip was so that they could put their Christmas letters to their parents in the mailbox. It was pretty exciting for them so I was excited, too. Plus, I got a whole Spanish lesson on the walk there and back. Some students kept saying "What's that?" and pointing at random things: tree, bench, rock, leaves, birds, train, etc. Then, I would answer them and then they would make me learn the word in Spanish. I hope that they at least retained one word of what I said in English. I think out of all of the words, they will remember train, because the word in Spanish is practically the same: tren.
Anyway, after school, I met with Esther to have our language exchange. I started to learn some Spanish idioms, but boy are some of them difficult and I will have to study them to really understand, remember, and know how to use them. The lessons went well and then Esther took me by the Plaza Mayor that is in Leganés, so we saw the pretty lights and there was a small ice rink there, also, which was cool. Then, I took the train home. Once home, I had an unexpected package waiting for me and it was a package from my boyfriend for my birthday. Here is what he got me...
Such a great present. Anyway, then I got started making dinner and then my night planned with things to do went down the...

First, a woman came to look at the apartment and stayed for over 45 minutes, which is great because she got to know us and I think she was really interested in the place, but normally it takes like 10 minutes to show our place and like I said, I had stuff to do. Plus, my dinner was done cooking right as she arrived, so it sat on the counter top cooling down while we got to know her. Haha. Hopefully, she comes to stay with us though. We will see. Anyway, after she left, I had to finally eat and then I got to talking to Lucia about Sevilla next week, which obviously got us talking about a lot of other things, so next thing I know, it's 11 p.m. and I have yet to get anything done, which isn't a huge deal. I think I will still have time for things later this week, but also I am tired so I need to go to bed asap. Anyway, that's that. I have to go. I hope you all had wonderful Mondays. Be jealous of my new handcrafted minion gloves! :P Goodnight!
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