Today was a good day, especially after the stressful night I had last night. Normally, I get to sleep in on Fridays and leave school early on Fridays, but I did neither of those today and still had a good day. :) This morning instead of sleeping in, I got up early and had to fix a mistake I made in the TIE (Foreign Identification Card) process. I messed up on the payment. I was supposed to pay 15,15 euros, but instead only paid 15. The form that has to be taken to the bank with the payment isn't online and I got really really lucky that one of the few offices that you can pick it up at was on my way train route to school. So I was able to pick up the form and go to the bank to pay the 15 cents, although the banker did laugh at me.
Once at school, I had one first grade class, a delicious breakfast, a kindergarten class, then the teacher's class. The teacher's class, in my opinion, was so boring (and I'm the teacher). So, I should probably spice it up a bit somehow, but it's so hard. I don't want to do anything childish with them, although maybe they would enjoy something like that. Also, I feel like I'm just throwing a lot of stuff at them, because there's always like ten ways to say the same thing and they like knowing them. After the classes, instead of going home, I went to lunch with the teachers and, in the afternoon, there was a chestnut party. Yep, that's right..a chestnut party! It's called the Castañada. It's not really a holiday of any sort. It is just a party celebrated in some primary schools to celebrate fall. The students eat roasted chestnuts and that's pretty much the jist of the party. I have never had roasted chestnuts before and, to be honest, I don't think I really liked them. They kind of had the texture of a baked potato that wasn't fully cooked and they had a bacon-y taste. It was strange. The party was fun and I have some adorable pictures of the students, but because of privacy issues, I'm not going to put them up. Sorry.
Anyway, after hanging out at the party for a little bit, I came home and started doing some more important things like sending e-mails, ordering a book online, looking into things to do in Valencia this weekend, etc. I pretty much relaxed all night and watched some of my T.V. shows. I also packed because Karin and I are leaving for Valencia tomorrow. So you probably won't hear from me until Sunday night or maybe even Monday. I hope you all have a good weekend. I know I will.
Also, on very random note, I remembered today that Lucia and I have a science experiment going on on our terrace. Our little pumpkin from two weeks ago was getting gross about one week and five days ago so we put it in a plastic bag and then put it on our terrace outside. It's still there... Through the condensation on the bag, all I can see is a black blob. I'm now afraid to even touch the bag it is in. Haha. Oh well, it will get thrown away eventually. Anyway, it's bedtime. I will talk to you in a few days. Pray for my safe travels. :)
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