Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Today was a good day. I went to school and taught the kiddos the body parts and they are now learning hygiene things like soap, shampoo, brush, toothbrush, etc. They did some book work, we traced a body and label its parts, we sang Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, etc. Like I said, it was a good day. I also had a kindergarten class where they are still kind of working on Alice in Wonderland. During my lunch break and at the end of school, I started researching what to do this weekend (pretty positive I'm going to Valencia..the hostel is reserved at least), tried to figure out what the heck to do over Christmas break, and looked at some things to do in the teachers' English class. So pretty much, I got nothing accomplished. It's really hard to sit down and plan trips, especially when I don't care where I go. I am also still in the process of looking for a travel buddy.

After school, I went to the flat of one of my teachers and we did a two hour lesson. One hour in English and one hour in Spanish. I think it went really well and I am excited to work with her all year. Also, it was confirmed once again that sometimes things are hard to translate. She is the P.E. teacher so she was asking how to say a lot of things that have to do with that, which is great and I think she learned a ton! Me, on the other hand, I have no direction as to what I want to learn/practice..pretty much anything and everything! But, I feel bad because she keeps asking me what she should prepare for the lessons and I am very relaxed about it. I just keep telling her we can talk and she can correct my mistakes and then we can go from there. :)

Anyway, I arrived home a little before 8 p.m. and made dinner right away. I was going to go straight to the language exchange after, but when I was about to go Lucia came home, so I waited for her to eat dinner and then she came with! It was really good and it was the best that I have felt at one of those so far. I didn't feel like we spent to much time in one language or the other and it was good conversation. Also, I think Lucia had fun, so I was glad she came with. It gives me company on the metro. Hehe. :) Anyway, we stayed longer than intended, which was okay, but now I am tired. I got home and started to blog, but then I called my sister and she was already talking about Christmas gifts..oh deer! (pun intended) and then I got distracted by Googling Christmas gifts and now it's super late and time for bed. And I'm sorry this blog is semi-bad because I'm tired and rushed through it. Anyway, time for bed. Goodnight.

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