Thursday, October 31, 2013

Una locura

Today was a good day. I started it pretty early though. The banks open at 8:30 a.m. and I wanted to make sure I got my debit card, just in case I got paid today (which I didn', but now that's one less thing to do on Monday. Anyway, I stood at the entrance of the bank along with four other people waiting for it to open. Once they opened, it only took about five minutes to get my card and set up the pin number and everything. Then, I walked to the nearest train station and took the train. It didn't seem that the train was really affected by the strike, but also I was really running early so I didn't mind taking my time. Once in school, I had another day of Halloween bingo, mask making, and singing "Go Away, Big Green Monster." It was really fun and I think the students enjoyed themselves, but they still didn't get near the experience that we do in the United States, but hey, it was fun! Here is a picture of one of my classes and me with our masks!
Yay, Halloween!
For lunch, I went out with other teachers at my school to a local restaurant. It was really good food and fun company. I ate a stuffed red pepper and salad and for dessert, torrija. Once back at school, I went to the kindergarten class room and played in their stations with them. Then, for the last class of the day, the class I help with was watching a Halloween movie, so I helped one of the teachers hang up signs in her room. Previously, she had asked me to give her English classes and we had agreed on that, but once we got to talking more, we decided that we're going to do more of an exchange. One hour of English class for her in exchange for one hour of Spanish class for me! That is so much more valuable to me than money and I'm really excited to work with her.

Okay, I just took a VERY long break from writing this blog in order to take care of more of this weekend's madness. I will talk about it at the end of this blog though, but just a forewarning, it's not good.

Anyway, back to the good part of my day...I am so happy to get Spanish classes and help the teacher with English in exchange. After school, I had two English lessons. Both went well. We discussed traveling, Halloween, read part of Winn-Dixie. I saw one girl I tutor walking down the street dressed like Frankenstein, and the other girl I tutored tonight was dressed up as a firefighter and was getting ready to leave for trick-or-treating as soon as I left. The train strike was a little more apparent tonight, but I still got home in a decent about of time. Once home, I made dinner and started finalizing things for things in this weekend: printing reservations, looking at maps, writing this blog, etc.

And then...

We got news that our room was not available at the hostel. I wish I could say that we got everything figured out, but since it's a holiday weekend and everyone and their dog is going to Granada. We decided not to go. I am okay with this decision, because I was apprehensive to go in the first place; however, I am not okay with the decision because I am out some money for buying the tourist pass, which is unfortunate. Everything happens for a reason though and since I had a bad feeling about it from the beginning, I honestly know it's for the best. I will still have the amazing weekend I was planning to have before even deciding to go to Granada. For example, it is 1:57 a.m. right now and instead of wasting my time sleeping or packing. I am watching YouTube videos with Lucia. I don't know when I'll be going to bed, but right now, I feel better than I did earlier. And I think I have decided to go take a dance class on Saturday to really de-stress completely. Hopefully, I will be able to go. Anyway, it's time to go and take advantage of my time before I decide it's time for bed. Have a good night!

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