Friday, September 30, 2011

Soy peruana? No.

So, actually a ton of things happened today.  I was writing things down left and right this morning so I would remember to tell you everything.  First thing that happened, as I was walking to the Suiza Lab to get my yellow fever vaccine, I called called muñeca (doll).  That was a first for me, Tonisha said that she had been called that before, but I hadn't heard it until this morning.  I've been called mi amor (my love) once, too.  That's always nice (not!).  Hey, you know that "Things I'll Miss" list that I told you about, well I have a "Things I Won't Miss" list, too, and "whistles from the streets" are on it!!  Also while I was walking, I had a woman ask me for directions and I told her I don't know then she said "Oh, you're not Peruvian."  Now, I don't know if she was a Peruvian herself or if she was foreign and didn't know any better, but it still felt good to know someone thought I was a Peruvian.  I felt bad that I couldn't help her though.

Anyway, then I got to Suiza Lab.  It was a pretty easy process.  I got in line, paid, and got my vaccine.  Easy enough.  However, in the states, whenever you get a shot, you get one of those information sheets and I didn't get one of those!  Haha, I haven't had a fever, dizziness, or redness at the injection site though so I think I'm set. ;)  After this quick visit to Suiza Lab, I got on a micro to school.  We had to take a small detour because the police had a block of the road closed because of a micro crash.  I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to snap a photo, but let's just say I'm glad I wasn't on the micro.  It was a one micro accident and I don't know what the driver was doing, but it appeared as if he just drove up onto the sidewalk and hit a crosswalk light.  It was quite strange.  Also, on the micro, an elderly man got off the micro for being overcharged by 20 centimos.  I know this isn't a big deal, but I was just happy to know that: 1. I'm not just overcharged because I'm foreign and 2. I'm not the only one who gets off micros for being overcharged!!

Once I got to school, I had another "You must be Peruvian" moment.  I was sitting in the dance studio getting ready for my ballet class and one of the girls from the class before me asked me what level of ballet the class was.  Well, here's the problem, I wasn't paying attention so she had to ask me more than once before I even knew she was talking to me and the other problem is that when people think you're Peruvian they talk super fast so I couldn't understand her.  I asked her to slow down and then her and her friend giggled and she repeated herself in English.  It made me really like an idiot.  I most likely would have understood her had she slowed down, but instead the conversation ended with me feeling dumb and her probably thinking that I'm a stupid American who doesn't know  It's okay though...positivity, right?!  Hopefully, someday maybe I'll get the Peruvian accent and understanding to match my maybe Peruvian look. :)  Ballet of course was great, too.  :)

Deporte y Vida was amazing today, too.  It's "Spring Week" so they've had activities going on all week and actually were making a special trip there tomorrow to finish out the week with them!!  I'm really excited to go there tomorrow, because today was really fun.  I did still help a few kids with there homework though.  But, besides the boring homework, let's talk about the fun stuff...I got to see the monkey again today and I got pictures this time...
 These are siblings and this girl, Margarita, followed me around most of today.  They are all adorable.  They loved the camera and they especially liked seeing their pictures and videos after they were taken.  Sorry, I had some problems uploading the videos, but I hope to show you them in tomorrow's post.

Playing checkers
 Also, I watched them play a couple games of chess and they definitely just make up the rules as they go.  It's pretty comical and it can cause some fights too, but I kind of started teaching them how to play, but in reality, I'm pretty sure they knew.  They were just trying to pull a fast one on me and their opponents.
Playing volleyball

Yep, I'm definitely a blanquita
One of the best memories from today will probably be me see-sawing though.  I don't remember the last time I was on a see-saw.  Honestly, it's so long since I've been on one that I couldn't even remember what it was called for a little bit.   Anyway, I wish I had a picture from today, but maybe this will occur again tomorrow, but if not, here's a mental picture:  Me and Margarita on one side and four kids on the other side!! was a sight to see!!  I loved every second of it.  I was also ordered to go down the slide, too.  I don't remember the last time I did that either.  Anyway, I'm really excited for tomorrow and I can't wait to share that day with you, too.  I hope you all had amazing days!! Buenas noches!

1 comment:

  1. Golly, I sure wish there was a video of that monkey instead of just a boring old picture
