Thursday, September 22, 2011


So I got up earlier than I had to this morning just to write my blog that I wasn't able to write last night.  I don't know what you think about that, but I'd call that commitment. :)  After not sleeping in ;) I headed to ballet class.  I know I say this every week, but I really do love it and I'm so happy and blessed that I have been able to take it while here.  There's new challenges every week, but I can also tell that I am improving.  I'm so jealous of my instructor, though.  Hopefully, if I stick with dancing, I will be at least half as good as she is.

After dance, I ate lunch in one of the cafeterias where I was entertained by a traditional dancer and some music.  La PUCP always has a lot of cultural events going on like this.  I'm sure I'll see more as the semester continues.  Also, some interesting news about PUCP...  Tomorrow there is a protest occurring  at the front entrance of PUCP (I'm not attending though).  I don't really understand the full details of the protest, but here's the jist of it...  PUCP is a Catholic private university, but they have not received funds from the Vatican and have operated independently for 20 years.  Well, the Archbishop of Lima is now saying that he has the right to be on or appoint someone to be on some kind of administration at PUCP and that he also has the right to decide the President of the institution.  So what it boils down to is that people opposed this and the assembly meeting on this issue is tomorrow, therefore, there is a protest occurring.  Sorry that was kind of vague.

Anyway, I went to Deporte y Vida today as well.  Surprisingly, it was kind of a let down today.  Apparently, this week is a low homework week in schools so when the kids don't have homework, they don't come.  Therefore, there were very few children today compared to usual.  I did help a few children with their math homework, but nobody had English today.  The most exciting (bad exciting) thing that happened there today was that a kid accidentally stabbed another kid with a pencil in the face and a little bit of the lead broke off.  So we had a minor surgery which consisted of cotton balls, alcohol, tweezers, and a needle to get out the lead.  I still don't think they got all the lead out, but he'll be fine.  Now had it happened about an inch and a half to the right (where his eye was) it could've been VERY bad.  It's funny the poor kid who got stabbed is the first one who asked me for my mechanical pencil last week.  I was already planning on giving it to him once I left, but now he definitely deserves it. :)

Well, I'm about to go and do some homework.  I have some articles to read and a five-page paper that is due on Monday for Ethnography.  I realized that Monday is far away and technically I have time to do everything, but really I don't.  I have a long weekend ahead of me.  I'm pretty sure I'm taking a day trip tomorrow to a national reserve called Lomas de Lachay, I'm going to a museum on Saturday, and on Sunday I'm pretty sure I'm walking with Tonisha again.  It should be a great weekend minus all the homework I have.  I'm ready to tackle some of it right now though!  I hope you all have amazing nights tonight and days tomorrow! :)

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