Friday, January 27, 2012


Okay, so J-term is over and I have an Iluzion performance under my belt so let's talk a little bit about both.

We had two Iluzion performances this week and they went pretty well.  It was the same dance for both, but the first one was a little rough, but the second was better.  So, for your entertainment, here's the second day's performance...
I hope you enjoyed it.  I look forward to sharing our future performances with you as well.

Okay, now let's talk about the ending of J-term and the upcoming Spring semester.  My J-term class ended awesome.  My group and I gave our lesson this past Wednesday and it went really well. :)  I seriously am so happy with the field I have chosen to go into!  It feels so great to know that I'm doing the right thing.  Anyway, our lesson was one on the Wallace line and it was meant for middle schoolers.  The Wallace line is a line through the islands of Indonesia and on the west side of the line there is completely different flora and fauna than on the east side of the line.  It's actually really interesting and our lesson included making a compass and "traveling" to the different islands (stations) to explore the flora and fauna on each island.  It was so fun and we got a good grade! :)  On our last day of class, we skyped a scientist, which was something that I've never done in class before, but it was fun, too.  Before skyping the scientist, we watched a documentary called Flock of Dodos that talks about evolution and Intelligent Design and the scientist we skyped actually appears in the film.  It was really interesting to talk to him and to hear his opinion on the issue.  We also sent out a survey to students on campus and to international students so it was interesting to see those results because really the United States is supposedly the only country where there is a controversy about evolution.

Anyway, my J-term was really good.  My last and best J-term. :)  I won't be taking a J-term next year because I will be student teaching!  Now, let's talk next semester...I'm taking six classes and I'm anxious for all of them.  One class is my Spanish senior thesis, which is kind of a big deal (and by kind of, I mean it's a really big deal).  I also have two important education courses.  Then, for fun (and for my minor), I'm taking a jazz class and a choreography class! :)  Then, the last class is a required one and it's only a seven week class called Concepts of Physical Fitness.  I've gotten all of my books and my jazz shoes ordered and I'm almost ready for the semester.  I'm on J-term break this weekend and I start class again next Wednesday!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!

Lastly, I want to point out, just in case you don't already know, the new Miss America 2012 graduated from Carthage!  How cool is that?!  Good night! :)

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