Okay, what you've been waiting for is finally here! My fun lists that I have made. I still feel like they aren't complete, but here's a start. I'm sure I'll think of stuff as time goes on, but here it is!
Things I miss in Peru
· Freshly squeezed orange juice - I started every morning with a fresh glass of orange juice and it was delicious! For those of you who have had it, I'm sure you understand why I miss it.
· More food - There's a long list of the foods that I miss so here it is (They're in no certain order)
o Picarones (the deliciously sticky donut type things)
o Lúcuma (Tropical fruit - it's best as yogurt or ice cream)
o Lomo saltado (Obviously if you read my blog you know that this was my favorite food)
o Manjarblanco (kind of like caramel)
o Canelitas (The teddy graham type cookie that I hunted for with Tonisha)
o Anticuchos (Cow heart kabobs)
o Cancha (Corn kernel snack)
o Chocolate cake (not just any chocolate cake, but the chocolate cake on campus)
o Milk (I actually am not a fan of milk usually, but I really liked the milk in Peru, it's really sweet)
· Peruvian summer - It was nice to start seeing Lima when there was sun!
· Parque Kennedy - This park was just a nice place to walk around and it was a central meeting place for the other students in my group. Also, Sunday's were really fun in the park.
· Friends/Host family - This is kind of an obvious thing, but I love everyone I met done in Peru and I will never forget them.
· Deporte y Vida - I absolutely loved going to Deporte y Vida every week to volunteer
· Taxes included on the prices - This is something I really miss! I love that I was able to look at a price and know that that was exactly what it was going to cost!
· The fact that men stand up for you on the micros - Although this can be viewed as a sign of machismo, I actually enjoyed the "politeness" of some men standing up so that I could sit down on the micro.
· Adventure - The fact that I could go anywhere and do anything was exhilerating
· Easiness of school - Surprisingly, my classes were pretty easy and I'm not looking forward to the workload that I will have next semester.
· Spanish - Coming back to the United States was really weird because everyone speaks English. I find myself getting really excited to hear Spanish here in the states now.
· The cost of food/everything - Everything was so cheap in Peru compared to the U.S. and I miss that
Things I won't miss in Peru
· Cat calls from guys on the street - I hated this so much that I can't even put it into words.
· Rice - Don't get me wrong rice isn't bad, but I'm glad that I don't have to eat it for every meal now.
· Other foods
o Fried eggs - Sometimes fried eggs will just randomly be placed on the tops of meals and personally, I'm not a fan of them.
o Ceviche - Again, not a fan, however, I did have a little bit once and I enjoyed it.
o Cuy - I only had it once and I don't think that it will be twice anytime soon.
· Honking - This grew on me, but the excessive honking in Lima is a little..well...excessive.
· Car Alarms - Haha, I wish I could explain the car alarms to you, but unfortunately, my video of the typical car alarm in Peru is not uploading. :( Like the honking, these went off ALL the time!
· Peruvian winter - The whole "No sun in Lima" thing just isn't for me.
· Large paper - The paper standard size is longer than in the U.S.. and it didn't fit in my spiral notebook (Yea, I know it's terrible!)
· The song "On the floor" by J.Lo - It played WAY TOO MUCH!
· Saldo - Saldo is the fee to recharge your cell phones. It's not too big of a deal, but it's nice to not have to go back to put more minutes on my cell phone every week.
· Climbing into a lofted bed - Although I did love my lofted bed, by the end of the semester I was ready to be able to lay in bed without having to climb a ladder first.
On the fence things in Peru
· Always drinking bottled water - Isn't a huge deal, but I like knowing that I can safely drink the water in the states.
· Micros - I actually kind of miss these, but at the same time, I don't.
· Throwing toilet paper in the trash can - Not that I miss this, but it just became habit!
Things I missed in the U.S.
· Cinnamon toast crunch - Obviously, if read my whole blog you know that I missed this, but I actually got it once while in Peru.
· Other foods - Obviously!
o Caramel Apples - I missed these during Halloween.
o Salt - The salt just isn't the same in Peru and I never figured out why. It's more like a powder than a crystal.
o Peppermint Ice cream - I didn't miss this too much since I got to eat it as soon as I got home.
o Anything my mom or grandma makes - no explanation is needed.
· Hugs - Having a nice firm hug when I got home was amazing!
· Family and Friends - Again, this is obvious, but I better mention that I missed my roommate, Taylor, and my boyfriend, Logan, or they will wonder why they didn't make the list.
· Stars - I love the view of the stars from the country. There's not a lot (or any) stars in Lima.
· Snow - Missed this and I still do since there is still no snow here in Illinois.
· Thanksgiving - Although we had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, it just wasn't the same.
· Being home - Just sitting in my living room at home is a great feeling now.
· My dog
· Being able to go to the kitchen and eat whatever I wanted :)
Things I didn't miss in the U.S.
· Cell phone - Although I enjoy having a somewhat decent cell phone again, I'm still not used to having it on me all the time.
· Negativity - Obviously not everyone in the U.S. is negative, however I believe that US Americans have a higher level of negativity than Peruvians
On the fence things in the U.S.
· Rain - It never rains in Lima. There form of rain is less than a sprinkle, but they have no downpours like we do in the U.S. There were several days in Lima that I said, "If it stormed in Peru, I would think that it was going to storm today."
· English - Yea, I missed it, but I love knowing another language, too.
· Driving - I like to drive, but at the same time it was nice to not have to. Also, there's no way I would have wanted to in Lima!
I hope you enjoyed these lists. Have you ever left the U.S.? If so, what did you miss or not miss?
first off, if the car alarms in Peru are anything like the ones in costa rica I feel your pain and second...You are correct that I would have been wondering why I didn't make the list so thanks for including me!!! :)