So I have a cute micro story from today. Yes, that's right, I said cute and micro in the same sentence. For the second day in a row I've used an oxymoron. Anyway, I was on the way to PUCP in the micro and a little boy and his mom got on. Usually kids sit on their parents' laps on the micro, but this boy seemed to be pretty independent and he sat across the aisle from me. Soon after though, he moved right next to me and we were sitting in front of his mom. I looked over at him, smiled, and asked how he was doing and he said good. He seemed pretty shy, but at the same time he was definitely trying to get close to me. He kept scooting next to me and then I would look over and he would quickly move away. It was so cute. We had a short conversation, his name was James (I think..that's what it sounded like, but that's not a very Peruvian name-that's why I'm not sure) and he was 5 years old. His mom told him to ask my name, but he never did. He was definitely bashful. :) Anyway, a street vendor came on the bus and he wanted toffee so his mom bought him some and guess what?...He gave a piece to me! It was adorable and I was sad to see him get off the bus.
Anyway, once I got off the micro I headed to ballet. Ballet was the same as always: enjoyable. :) My instructor is actually starting to choreograph a dance, so at the end of class for the past couple times she has been working with some of the students on it. It's really cool to see her choreography, it's so pretty. Anyway, after ballet, I ate lunch and then I walked around campus. And look what I found as I was walking...
Again, cute, huh? There are so many deer on campus and I haven't taken pictures in awhile, so I couldn't pass up a photo op when there was a fawn. :) By the way, it was beautiful outside, well during the afternoon anyway. It still gets chilly every other time of the day. I spent some time today looking into trips to Arequipa and Puno. A group of us wants to go on one big seven day trip in December before we all leave. After looking into both places, I'm actually pretty excited for it. It's going to be fun planning it.
Tonight, I had Cine and we watched Los Cuatro Cortos by Gianfranco Annichini. It was a group of four short films and they were actually really good. The first one was about Maria Reiche, who dedicated her life to studying the Nazca lines. The second was about an older man who pretty much did everything in his life. He was in the theatre business, a boxer, an inventor, and he was in the Navy. The third was about a man who lived in the Amazon and he actually had a good little saying in the movie. "All's well that ends well, smile in spite of bad weather." I just thought that was a nice little positivity quote. The last one was about a radio station in the Amazon. They were all really good. Anyway, tonight all I did was work on a little homework and I watched the movie 10 Things I Hate About You. :)
Okay, now I have a favor to ask you. Pepsi is sponsoring a project called the Pepsi Refresh Project and they are giving money "to fund great ideas that refresh the world." Well, the Illinois Leadership Seminar is one of the projects that is trying to get funded. To remind you what the Illinois Leadership Seminar is, I mentioned it in my very first blog post because the very name of this blog, Don't Miss Out, came from that seminar. It is a seminar that I went to when I was a sophomore in High school and it teaches leadership skills to the youth of Illinois in a matter of one weekend. It actually was an amazing seminar for me and I still return for some of the events/fundraisers that the organization holds. If you want to look into the organization more you can go to Anyway, I guess I'll get to my point now. I would love it if you go and create an account at and vote for the Illinois Leadership Seminar so that we receive the funds to organize this year's seminar. I really would like you to vote for ILS; however, there are a lot of other good causes that need funded, so I understand if you decide to vote for another cause. :) Thank you, in advance, if you decide to take your next 5 minutes to vote for ILS.
Okay, finally... It's Music Martes! This week's song is La Despedida (The Goodbye) by Daddy Yankee.
Buenas noches y dulces sueños!
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